Previous Notifications

Impact Notifications are Listed Chronologically

  • Electrical Infrastructure Upgrade Notification

    Aztec Bookstore and Education – Planned Electrical Outages - On 08/23/2024

    As part of the campus electrical upgrades project, a planned electrical outage for the Aztec Bookstore and Education buildings is required. There will be periodic construction personnel traffic in and around the Aztec Bookstore Electrical Yard throughout the entire duration of the work. The outage will entail a total loss of power for the durations specified below, affecting systems such as heating and air, lighting, receptacle convenience power, card/access/access control, elevators, etc. It is highly recommended that sensitive equipment unable to withstand an outage should be powered down the day before to avoid unanticipated impacts to the equipment during the outage window. After the outage, users will be able to re-enter the buildings and confirm that power is restored, and systems are fully functional. Any issues should be communicated immediately to the project team using the contact information provided at the end of this notification. ** Please also note that the Aztec Bookstore and Education buildings will be closed to the public throughout the outage window detailed below. ** Duration of Impacts: Start Time / Date: 03:30 AM, Friday, August 23rd, 2024 End Time / Date: 07:30 AM, Friday, August 23rd, 2024

  • Electrical Infrastructure Upgrade Notification

    REMINDER - Aztec Bookstore and Education – Planned Electrical Outages - On 08/23/2024

    As part of the campus electrical upgrades project, a planned electrical outage for the Aztec Bookstore and Education buildings is required. There will be periodic construction personnel traffic in and around the Aztec Bookstore Electrical Yard throughout the entire duration of the work. The outage will entail a total loss of power for the durations specified below, affecting systems such as heating and air, lighting, receptacle convenience power, card/access/access control, elevators, etc. It is highly recommended that sensitive equipment unable to withstand an outage should be powered down the day before to avoid unanticipated impacts to the equipment during the outage window. After the outage, users will be able to re-enter the buildings and confirm that power is restored, and systems are fully functional. Any issues should be communicated immediately to the project team using the contact information provided at the end of this notification. ** Please also note that the Aztec Bookstore and Education buildings will be closed to the public throughout the outage window detailed below. ** Duration of Impacts: Start Time / Date: 03:30 AM, Friday, August 23rd, 2024 End Time / Date: 07:30 AM, Friday, August 23rd, 2024

  • Electrical Infrastructure Upgrade Notification

    Physics Astronomy - From 08/20/2024 to 10/18/2028

    Construction personnel will need to occupy electrical room 2A for the duration of the work. Additionally, construction traffic will occur within the Physics Workshop/Storage room 1 and the service elevator to the basement, but hallway access for occupants will be maintained. Please note that this work may generate localized dust and noise.

  • Electrical Infrastructure Upgrade Notification

    Planetarium Court - From 08/20/2024 to 10/18/2024

    Due to ongoing electrical upgrades in the Physics Astronomy building, construction fencing and barriers will be set up within the planetarium court to restrict access to active work areas. The Kurapia and surrounding landscape will be protected from foot traffic and electrical equipment. Please be advised that work will result in localized dust and noise.

  • Electrical Infrastructure Upgrade Notification

    Life Sciences North - From 08/19/2024 to 08/23/2024

    The work will require construction personnel to occupy electrical room 12 for the duration of the project. Additionally, construction traffic will occur in Hallway 14 to facilitate the work, but occupant access through the hallway will be maintained. Please note that while the work may generate localized dust and noise, no building system outages are planned.

  • Electrical Infrastructure Upgrade Notification

    Art II North, Engineering, and New Substation A - On 08/19/2024

    To support upgrades to the fire safety system, the inspection and testing of the fire alarm system will require construction personnel to access the mechanical room 200 in Art II North, electrical room 118A in the Engineering building, and the New Substation A building. Please note that while this work may generate localized dust and noise, no building system outages are planned.

  • Electrical Infrastructure Upgrade Notification

    Art I South - From 08/19/2024 to 10/04/2024

    Work will require construction personnel to occupy equipment rooms 469B&C as well as teaching labs 451, 469, and 469A. Routing of temporary power cables will require the coring of the west wall in room 469. Please be advised that work will result in localized dust and noise, but there are no anticipated impacts to any building systems. Any work within specific occupied spaces will continue to be coordinated with room users prior to the work taking place.

  • Electrical Infrastructure Upgrade Notification

    Avenue of the Arts - From 08/19/2024 to 10/04/2024

    Work will require construction personnel to occupy equipment rooms 469B&C as well as teaching labs 451, 469, and 469A. Routing of temporary power cables will require the coring of the west wall in room 469. Please be advised that work will result in localized dust and noise, but there are no anticipated impacts to any building systems. Any work within specific occupied spaces will continue to be coordinated with room users prior to the work taking place.

  • Electrical Infrastructure Upgrade Notification

    Engineering - From 08/15/2024 to 8/22/2024

    Work associated with installation of seismic bracing will necessitate construction personnel to occupy rooms 103, 103B, 104, 118A, 119, 130C, 132, and 132A throughout the duration of work. Please be advised that work will result in localized dust and noise, but there are no anticipated impacts to any building systems.

  • Electrical Infrastructure Upgrade Notification

    UPDATE - Aztec Circle Drive - On 08/14/2024

    Due to a crane pick activity scheduled to place a rooftop transformer on the roof of the North Education building, the southeast portion of the Aztec Circle Drive roadway and the sidewalks parallel to Atkinson Hall and North Education along Aztec Circle Drive will be closed to pedestrian and vehicular traffic for the duration specified below. The Pedestrian and ADA access path along the buildings and Aztec Circle Drive will be periodically interrupted for a short duration while the crane travels over the path. Please heed the direction and instruction of flaggers in the area.