Previous Notifications
Impact Notifications are Listed Chronologically
Aztec Circle Drive, Avenue of Art & Donald P. Shiley Bioscience Center’s Covered Breezeway Temporary Impacts - From 06/12/2023 to 06/23/2023
Jun 12Demolition and trenching for underground utility work occurring through the Donald P. Shiley Bioscience Center’s covered breezeway will create noise and dust impacts to adjacent spaces, specifically to the Life Sciences North (LSN), and Donald P. Shiley Bioscience Center. Additionally, access to the LSN loading dock will be temporarily closed during active construction hours. Deliveries to LSN, Life Sciences South (LS S) and the Donald P. Shiley Bioscience Center will need to be directed to the south side of LSN. Vehicular access through the intersection of Avenue of Art and Aztec Cir Dr to the North of the Donald P. Shiley Bioscience Center will be limited to one lane throughout the duration of work. Vehicular thru-traffic will be maintained by flagmen directing traffic in alternating directions. Alternate pedestrian/accessible paths will be delineated by signage, flagmen and traffic control with detours through LSN.
UPDATE - Aztec Circle Drive Temporary Impacts (Near GMCS) - From 06/12/2023 to 07/14/2023
Jun 12Trenching and underground utility work will require vehicular access on the portion of Aztec Cir Dr to the East of the Engineering building to be limited to one lane. Vehicular thru-traffic will be maintained by flagmen directing traffic in alternating directions. Additionally, parking spaces located to the West of the GMCS building will be temporarily closed and not accessible throughout the duration of work. The work will require temporary sidewalk closures and alternate paths may require access through EIS. Alternate pedestrian/accessible paths will be delineated by signage, flagmen and traffic control. Please be advised that work will result in localized dust and noise.
Facilities Services North Driveway and Loading Area Impacts - From 05/29/2023 to 06/09/2023
May 29Trenching and underground utility work that requires vehicular access on a portion of the driveway north of Facility Services (FS) will be reduced to a single lane impacting through traffic during active construction hours. Steel plates will be added to accommodate access to COGEN and Facilities Services as needed. Alternate vehicular traffic will be delineated by signage, flagmen and traffic control. Please be advised that work will result in localized dust and noise.
Planetarium Court Temporary Minor Construction Impacts - From 05/29/2023 to 06/09/2023
May 29Trenching and underground utility work will require a minor localized detour to pedestrian paths in the Planetarium Court located between Physical Science and Physics and Astronomy. Pedestrian paths will be delineated by signage, flagmen and traffic control. Please be advised that work will result in localized dust and noise.
Aztec Circle Drive Temporary Impacts (Near Atkinson Hall) - From 05/22/2023 to 06/16/2023
May 22Trenching and underground utility work will require vehicular access on a portion of Aztec Circle Drive to the East of Atkinson Hall to be limited to one lane throughout the duration of work. Vehicular thru-traffic will be maintained by flagmen directing traffic in alternating directions and alternate pedestrian/accessible paths will be delineated by signage, flagmen and traffic control. Please be advised that work will result in localized dust and noise.
Aztec Circle Drive Temporary Impacts (Near Facilities Services) - From 05/22/2023 to 06/02/2023
May 22Trenching and underground utility work will require vehicular access on a portion of Aztec Circle Drive to the North of the Art North (Art N) building to be limited to one lane throughout the duration of work. Vehicular thru-traffic will be maintained by flagmen directing traffic in alternating directions and alternate pedestrian/accessible paths will be delineated by signage, flagmen and traffic control. Please be advised that work will result in localized dust and noise.
Facilities Services North Driveway and Loading Area Impacts - From 05/08/2023 to 12/30/2023
May 8Designation of laydown areas will eliminate use of parking spaces and generate construction traffic for loading/unloading of materials in the driveway and loading area north of the Facilities Services (FS) building. Vehicular thru-traffic will be maintained in one direction delineated by construction fencing, signage, and traffic control.