Facilities Services North Driveway and Loading Area Impacts - From 05/08/2023 to 12/30/2023
Summary of impacts:
- Closure of multiple parking spaces, and vehicular and pedestrian route limitations in Aztec Circle Drive above the Facilties Services Building
impact notification:
To: Campus Users near Facilities Services (FS)
From: Sarah Abdellatif, Substation A Communication Specialist/Program Analyst
Please be advised that Planning, Design & Construction will be preparing for a project that may impact you. Below are the details of the scope of work and anticipated impacts:
Scope of Work: Designation of construction laydown areas and construction of new future Substation A site.
Reason for Project: Provide construction contractor’s material laydown areas in preparation for start of Electrical infrastructure Upgrades Project in support of campus future growth.
Anticipated Impacts: Designation of laydown areas will eliminate use of parking spaces and generate construction traffic for loading/unloading of materials in the driveway and loading area north of the Facilities Services (FS) building. Vehicular thru-traffic will be maintained in one direction delineated by construction fencing, signage, and traffic control.
Start Time / Date: 06:00 AM, Monday, May 08, 2023
End Time / Date: 05:00 PM, Saturday, Decembet 30, 2023
Note that “End Time / Date” describes dates anticipated for end of construction for New Substation A and removal of construction fencing.
Contact: Please direct any questions or concerns to Sarah Abdellatif, Substation A Communication Specialist/Construction Program Analyst at (858) 888-3215 or [email protected]. For questions about health and safety measures, please contact Gillian Marks, Senior Director of Environmental Health & Safety at (619) 594-2853 or [email protected].
find additional information about this notification and other notifications related to the Electrical Infrastructure Upgrades (EIU) Project, please visit the EIU project website.