Upcoming Impacts
Administration, Art (I) South, Art (II) North, Arts and Letters, Atkinson Hall, Aztec Bookstore, Building A, Bioscience Center, Charles B. Bell Jr. Pavilion, Chemical Sciences Lab, Education, Engineering, Engineering & Interdisciplinary Sciences, Facilities Services Boiler Shop, Faculty Staff Club, Geology Math and Computer Science, Hardy Tower, Hazmat Building, Hepner Hall, Life Sciences North, Life Sciences South, Lot 16, Marquee Sign, Nasatir Hall, North Education, Physics, Physics-Astronomy, Physical Sciences, Professional Studies and Fine Arts, and Storm Complex Building – 12/19/2024
Dec 19Please be aware that ongoing testing in the cogeneration plant may result in up to three brief utility service interruptions within the timeframe indicated below. In the unlikely scenario where an interruption may occur, each interruption would not be expected to last longer than 20 minutes at a time. While the likelihood of interruptions is low, we recommend frequently saving your work, shutting down or unplugging sensitive equipment, and scheduling any critical tasks that cannot tolerate an interruption outside the testing window as a precaution. If you have questions or would like more details about potential impacts and recommended measures to prepare for potential utility impacts, please use the contact information provided below.
UPDATE - Administration, Art (I) South, Art (II) North, Arts and Letters, Atkinson Hall, Aztec Bookstore, Building A, Bioscience Center, Charles B. Bell Jr. Pavilion, Chemical Sciences Lab, Education, Engineering, Engineering & Interdisciplinary Sciences, Facilities Services Boiler Shop, Faculty Staff Club, Geology Math and Computer Science, Hardy Tower, Hazmat Building, Hepner Hall, Life Sciences North, Life Sciences South, Lot 16, Marquee Sign, Nasatir Hall, North Education, Physics, Physics-Astronomy, Physical Sciences, Professional Studies and Fine Arts, and Storm Complex Building – 12/19/2024
Dec 19Please be aware that ongoing testing in the cogeneration plant may result in up to three brief utility service interruptions within the timeframe indicated below. In the unlikely scenario where an interruption may occur, each interruption would not be expected to last longer than 20 minutes at a time. While the likelihood of interruptions is low, we recommend frequently saving your work, shutting down or unplugging sensitive equipment, and scheduling any critical tasks that cannot tolerate an interruption outside the testing window as a precaution. If you have questions or would like more details about potential impacts and recommended measures to prepare for potential utility impacts, please use the contact information provided below.
Avenue of the Arts & Bioscience Breezeway - From 10/21/2024 to 11/26/2024
Oct 21The work will require construction personnel to occupy Electrical Room 12 for the duration of the project. Additionally, construction traffic will occur in Hallway 14 to facilitate the work, but occupant access through the hallway will be maintained. Please note that while the work may generate localized dust and noise, no building system outages are anticipated.
Art I South - From 08/19/2024 to 10/04/2024
Aug 19Steam pumps located in room 469 will be shut down for the duration of the work. This steam shutdown will impact radiators that contribute to the building's heating system. Please be advised that work will result in localized dust and noise, but there are no anticipated impacts to building users as building heat is not anticipated to be necessary during the temperate weeks.