Upcoming Impacts
REMINDER II - Life Sciences North (LSN) - Building Outages - On 11/12/2024
Nov 12As part of the campus electrical upgrades project, planned electrical outages for the building are required. There will be periodic construction personnel traffic in and around the building throughout the entire duration of the work. The outages will entail a total loss of power for the durations specified below, affecting systems such as heating and air, lighting, receptacle convenience power, card/access/access control, elevators, etc. It is highly recommended that sensitive equipment unable to withstand an outage should be powered down the day before to avoid unanticipated impacts to the equipment during the outage window. After the outage, users will be able to re-enter the building and confirm that power is restored, and systems are fully functional. Any issues should be communicated immediately to the project team using the contact information provided at the end of this notification. ** Please note that the outages only impact systems and equipment not supported by the emergency generator. Any equipment plugged into designated outlets supported by the emergency generator will only experience a brief interruption. Also note that the building will be closed to the public throughout the outage windows detailed below. **
REMINDER - Life Sciences North (LSN) - Building Outages - On 10/24/2024 and 11/12/2024
Nov 12As part of the campus electrical upgrades project, planned electrical outages for the building are required. There will be periodic construction personnel traffic in and around the building throughout the entire duration of the work. The outages will entail a total loss of power for the durations specified below, affecting systems such as heating and air, lighting, receptacle convenience power, card/access/access control, elevators, etc. It is highly recommended that sensitive equipment unable to withstand an outage should be powered down the day before to avoid unanticipated impacts to the equipment during the outage window. After the outage, users will be able to re-enter the building and confirm that power is restored, and systems are fully functional. Any issues should be communicated immediately to the project team using the contact information provided at the end of this notification. ** Please note that the outages only impact systems and equipment not supported by the emergency generator. Any equipment plugged into designated outlets supported by the emergency generator will only experience a brief interruption. Also note that the building will be closed to the public throughout the outage windows detailed below. **
GMCS Parking Spaces - From 11/12/2024 to 12/31/2024
Nov 12A portion of Canyon Crest Drive for vehicular traffic west-bound will be limited to one lane, but thru-traffic will be maintained. Signage will be posted, and flaggers will direct traffic around the lane closure. Additionally, a small number of parking spaces near Building A in Parking Lot 16 will be temporarily closed. Please be advised that the work may result in localized dust and noise.
Aztec Circle Drive Traffic and Parking Lot 16 - From 11/08/2024 to 04/08/2025
Nov 8The re-routing of 12kV cables will require vehicular traffic on the northern corner of Aztec Circle Drive near the Engineering Building to be intermittently limited to one alternating thru-lane for both directions of travel. Traffic will be directed by signage, flagmen and traffic control. Additionally, there will be periodic closures affecting the parking stalls behind the GMCS building and a small number of parking spaces in Lot 16. Please be advised that the work may generate localized dust and noise, although no utility outages are expected.
REMINDER II - Hepner Hall (HH) and Faculty/Staff Center (FSC) - Building Outages - On 10/15/2024, 11/07/2024, and 11/21/2024
Nov 7As part of the campus electrical upgrades project, a planned electrical outage for the Hepner Hall and Faculty/Staff Center buildings is required. There will be periodic construction personnel traffic in and around the buildings throughout the entire duration of the work. The outage will entail a total loss of power for the durations specified below, affecting systems such as heating and air, lighting, receptacle convenience power, card/access/access control, elevators, etc. It is highly recommended that sensitive equipment unable to withstand an outage should be powered down the day before to avoid unanticipated impacts to the equipment during the outage window. After the outage, users will be able to re-enter the buildings and confirm that power is restored, and systems are fully functional. Any issues should be communicated immediately to the project team using the contact information provided at the end of this notification. ** Please also note that the Hepner Hall and Faculty/Staff Center Buildings will be closed to the public throughout the outage windows detailed below. ** Duration of Impacts: The outage schedule is as follows: 1. On Tuesday, October 15th, 2024, from 4:00 am to 6:00 am 2. On Thursday, November 7th, 2024, from 3:30 am to 7:30 am 3. On Tuesday, November 21st, 2024, from 3:30 am to 7:30 am
Love Library, University Main Library, SDSU Bookstore, Charles B. Bell Jr. Pavilion, Administration, Faculty Staff Club, Physics Astronomy, Physics, Physical Sciences Building Users - From 11/05/2024 to 01/31/2025
Nov 5Due to ongoing electrical upgrades in the Administration Building, the exterior accessible pathway on the east side of the building will be temporarily closed off to thru-access. Please use the accessible pathway on the west side of the Administration Building, as directed by posted signage. Additionally, the pedestrian staircase and pathway on the west side of the Charles B. Bell Jr. Pavilion will be closed to thru-access. Access to the ATM machines will remain open via the south side of the Charles B. Bell Jr. Pavilion. Please be advised that the work may result in localized dust and noise.
Administration Building - From 11/05/2024 to 01/31/2025
Nov 5The work will require construction personnel to occupy Mechanical Room 10 for the duration of the work. Additionally, construction traffic will occur in Hallway 5, but occupant access through the hallway will be maintained. Please note that while the work may generate localized dust and noise, no building system outages are anticipated.
Arena Ticket Office, Aztec Aquaplex, Aztec Recreation Center, Bernstein/Little Theatre, Calpulli Health Center, Calpulli Parking Garage, Chapultepec Hall, Communication, Cuicacalli Hall, Conrad Prebys Aztec Student Union, Exercise and Nutritional Sciences, Fowler Athletics Center, Gateway Center, Grounds Area A Building, Grounds Office Trailer, Huaxyacac, International Student Center, Jeff Jacobs Jam Center, KPBS Radio/TV, Lamden Hall, Love Library, Love Library Addition, Logistical Services, Manchester Hall, Open Air Theater (all facilities), Parma Payne Goodall Alumni Center, Peterson Gymnasium, Racquetball Courts, Scripps Cottage, Scripps Cottage Street Lighting String, Softball Field, South Campus Plaza North, South Campus Plaza South, Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Tacuba Hall, Tenochca Hall, Tepeyac Hall, Tennis Center, Tennis Locker Rooms, Tony Gwynn Stadium, University Police - UPD, and Viejas Arena- On 11/02/2024
Nov 2Occupants should be aware that the work will require load shifting of Substation C&D to Substations B, which has limited circuit capacity. Although the likelihood of a utility interruption during this period is low, while the campus is utilizing power from SDG&E, it is recommended that any sensitive equipment be shut down prior to the scheduled period in an abundance of caution.
UPDATE - Engineering Building – First Floor Building Outages - On 11/02/2024
Nov 2As part of the campus electrical upgrades project, an existing transformer located in room 118A will need to be replaced. This replacement will result in a power outage, causing a temporary loss of power for rooms on the first floor of the Engineering Building including rooms 101A, 101B, 101C, 101D, 101E, 101ES, 101F, 101G, 101H, 103, 103C, 105, 105A, 105B, 105C, 120, 122, 123, and 123A. The outage will affect systems such as heating and air, lighting, receptacle convenience power, card/access control, and more. It is highly recommended that sensitive equipment unable to withstand an outage should be powered down the day before to avoid unanticipated impacts to the equipment. After each outage, users will be able to re-enter their space and confirm that power is restored and fully functional. Any issues should be promptly communicated to the project team using the contact information provided below. Additionally, there will be periodic construction personnel traffic in the external hallway in front of the aforementioned labs, as well as in internal hallway 100 and room 104 throughout the entire duration of the work.
Adams Humanities, Dramatic Arts, Ellen Ochoa Pavilion, Extended Studies Center Music, Student Services East, Student Services West, Prebys Stage and Parking 6 - On 11/02/2024
Nov 2As part of the campus electrical upgrades project, a planned electrical outage for the buildings is required. The outage will entail a total loss of power for the duration specified below, affecting systems such as heating and air, lighting, receptacle convenience power, card/access/access control, elevators, etc. It is highly recommended that sensitive equipment unable to withstand an outage should be unplugged or powered down the day before to avoid unanticipated impacts to the equipment during the outage window. After the outage, users will be able to re-enter the building and confirm that power is restored, and systems are fully functional. Any issues should be communicated immediately to the project team using the contact information provided at the end of this notification. ** Please note that the outage only impacts systems and equipment not supported by the emergency generator. Any equipment plugged into designated outlets supported by the emergency generator will only experience a brief interruption. Please also note that the building will be closed to the public throughout the outage window detailed below. **