Previous Notifications
Impact Notifications are Listed Chronologically
Art I South Room 469C - 09/26/2024
Sep 26The concrete pour for the transformer curb in electrical room 469C will result in minor impacts, including the presence of construction personnel, localized dust, and noise. However, there are no significant impacts expected for occupants, nor are there any anticipated outages to building systems.
Art I South Room 469C - On 09/06/2024
Sep 6The concrete pour for the transformer pad in electrical room 469C will result in minor impacts, including the presence of construction personnel, localized dust, and noise. However, there are no significant impacts expected for occupants, nor are there any anticipated outages to building systems.
Avenue of the Arts - From 08/19/2024 to 10/04/2024
Aug 19Work will require construction personnel to occupy equipment rooms 469B&C as well as teaching labs 451, 469, and 469A. Routing of temporary power cables will require the coring of the west wall in room 469. Please be advised that work will result in localized dust and noise, but there are no anticipated impacts to any building systems. Any work within specific occupied spaces will continue to be coordinated with room users prior to the work taking place.
Art I South - From 08/19/2024 to 10/04/2024
Aug 19Work will require construction personnel to occupy equipment rooms 469B&C as well as teaching labs 451, 469, and 469A. Routing of temporary power cables will require the coring of the west wall in room 469. Please be advised that work will result in localized dust and noise, but there are no anticipated impacts to any building systems. Any work within specific occupied spaces will continue to be coordinated with room users prior to the work taking place.