Previous Notifications
Impact Notifications are Listed Chronologically
Aztec Circle Drive, Facilities Services North Driveway, Avenue of the Arts, Bioscience Breezeway, Planetarium Court, and Canyon Crest Drive - From 02/12/2024 to 04/05/2024
Feb 12Medium voltage cable pulling work will intermittently impact vehicular and/or pedestrian access on Aztec Circle Drive, Facilities Services North Driveway, Avenue of the Arts, Bioscience Breezeway, Planetarium Court, and Canyon Crest Drive. Vehicular thru-traffic will be maintained by flagmen directing traffic in alternating directions and alternate pedestrian/accessible paths will be delineated by signage, flagmen and traffic control. Access to COGEN and Facilities Services will be maintained through the West end of the Driveway. There are no electrical or other building utility service interruptions anticipated. Please be advised that work will result in localized dust and noise.
UPDATE - Closure of Extended Parking Spaces in Lot 16 - From 12/18/2023 to 08/16/2024
Dec 18In addition to the initially communicated closure in Lot 16, the area closed to parking will be increased. Following August 16th, 2024, the closed area will revert to the original configuration as previously communicated. Fencing and signage will be installed as required.