Art II North - Make Ready Work - On 06/07/2024

Updated 06/05/2024:  Please be advised that the work in Art II North has been rescheduled to the date and time frame detailed below. Work within the Engineering building has been completed. All other details as previously communicated remain the same.  

Updated Duration of Impact:

Start Time / Date:   02:30 AM, Friday, June 7, 2024
End Time / Date:    08:00 AM, Friday, June 7, 2024

For more details about this impact, please visit the website. This notification along with all other notices regarding the Electrical Infrastructure Upgrades (EIU) Project will be posted and archived for ease of reference on the EIU website.

Original Notification (Published 05/28/2024):

Impact notification:

To: Art II North Building Users

From: Sarah Abdellatif, Substation A Communication Specialist/Program Analyst

Please be advised that Planning, Design & Construction will be performing a project that may impact you. Below are the details of the scope of work and anticipated impacts:

Scope of Work: Prepare the buildings for electrical conduit runs by demolishing existing concrete openings, doors, frames, and hardware in equipment rooms 200 and 200A in the Art II North building and equipment rooms 104,118A, and 119 in the Engineering building.

Reason for Project: Work associated with the Electrical Infrastructure Upgrades project in support of current campus needs and future growth.  

Anticipated Impacts: Work will require construction personnel to occupy the aforementioned equipment rooms throughout the duration of work. Any temporary unsecured openings will be boarded up with plywood until equipment and a new opening/door is installed. Please be advised that work will result in localized dust and noise, but there are no anticipated impacts to any building systems.

Start Time / Date:   06:00 AM, Saturday, June 1, 2024

End Time / Date:     06:00 PM, Sunday, June 2, 2024

Contact:  Please direct any questions or concerns to Sarah Abdellatif, Substation A Communication Specialist/Construction Program Analyst at (858) 888-3215 or [email protected]. For questions about health and safety measures, please contact Gillian Marks, Senior Director of Environmental Health & Safety at (619) 594-2853 or [email protected].

For more details about this impact, please visit the website.  This notification along with all other notices regarding the Electrical Infrastructure Upgrades (EIU) Project will be posted and archived for ease of reference on the EIU website.

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