UPDATE - Facilities Services North Driveway and Loading Area Impacts - From 05/08/2023 to 06/06/2024

Updated 06/30/2023: Please note that dates for impacts and additional ADA impacts have been added as a result of work supporting construction of the new Substation A. 


Additional Impacts:  

In addition to vehicular traffic and parking impacts as originally communicated, The ADA accessible parking stall on the north driveway will not be available. ADA parking and access to the building will be maintained at the south entrance of Facilities Services.

ADA access to the Granger Loading Dock through the Exterior Wheelchair Lift located on the north driveway may be periodically unavailable throughout the construction duration. To coordinate access, please reach out to Alejandro Rivera at 858.248.5739 or [email protected].

Please be advised that work will result in localized dust and noise.

Duration of Additional Impacts:  

Start Date:  06:00 AM, Monday, July 17, 2023

End Date:  04:00 PM, Thursday, June 06, 2024

Note that active construction hours are from 6:00 am to 4:00 pm from Monday through Friday. After work hours, steel plates will be installed over open trench areas and traffic control will be removed to allow for normal vehicular access until the next active construction workday.

Contact:  Please direct any questions or concerns to Sarah Abdellatif, Substation A Communication Specialist/Construction Program Analyst at (858)888-3215 or [email protected]. For questions about health and safety measures, please contact Gillian Marks, Senior Director of Environmental Health & Safety at (619) 594-2853 or [email protected].

For more details about this impact, please visit the website. This notification along with all other notices regarding the Electrical Infrastructure Upgrades (EIU) Project will be posted and archived for ease of reference on the EIU website.

Original Notification (Published 05/01/2023):


To:        Campus Users near Facilities Services (FS)

From:    Sarah Abdellatif, Substation A Communication Specialist/Program Analyst

Please be advised that Planning, Design & Construction will be preparing for a project that may impact you. Below are the details of the scope of work and anticipated impacts:

Scope of Work: Designation of construction laydown areas and construction of new future Substation A site.

Reason for Project: Provide construction contractor’s material laydown areas in preparation for start of Electrical infrastructure Upgrades Project in support of campus future growth. 

Anticipated Impacts: Designation of laydown areas will eliminate use of parking spaces and generate construction traffic for loading/unloading of materials in the driveway and loading area north of the Facilities Services (FS) building. Vehicular thru-traffic will be maintained in one direction delineated by construction fencing, signage, and traffic control.

Start Time / Date:   06:00 AM, Monday, May 08, 2023

End Time / Date:  05:00 PM, Saturday, Decembet 30, 2023

Note that “End Time / Date” describes dates anticipated for end of construction for New Substation A and removal of construction fencing.  

Contact:  Please direct any questions or concerns to Sarah Abdellatif, Substation A Communication Specialist/Construction Program Analyst at (858) 888-3215 or [email protected]. For questions about health and safety measures, please contact Gillian Marks, Senior Director of Environmental Health & Safety at (619) 594-2853 or [email protected].

find additional information about this notification and other notifications related to the Electrical Infrastructure Upgrades (EIU) Project, please visit the EIU project website.

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